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– Our Mission –

Our Future Generation is a not-for- profit organization committed to assist our youth in pursuing their interest and talents outside of school and home. Our goal is to encourage, uplift and promote our youth to become better citizens in their communities. We challenge our youth to achieve excellence in all of their endeavors.




Cynthia Mack


If I can make a difference in one child, one woman, one person’s life than I have done my daily task.Growing up for me was easy. I was the youngest of nine, raised in a two-parent household. My parents moved fromGeorgia to give the family a better way of living. Both of my parents were hard workers. They began by picking potatoes on a farm to support our family. Eventually my dad went to school on weekends to become a mason and then started his own business, my mom worked at the local hospital dietary department. My mom left the hospital to become a community advocator. She worked with low income families, single mothers, anyone that needed her assistance. Our Thanksgiving was to prepare and serve needy families dinner every year. My dad employed all the young men in our community looking to work. He shared his skills to all who wanted to learn. Both of my parents loved children and were positive role models. For over a decade my dad sponsored a men and women’s softball team. My parents taught me the value of service and giving to others, especially those who are less fortunate. Our Future Generation is an organization that was created to give to all that is in need for a better way of achieving their fullest potential. This group is about uplifting, promoting and raising our youth’s self-esteem. I want and will make a difference in as many women, children, and families lives that I can.


Cheryl Atkins

Vice President

I see a lot of young children in my community that want to participate in team sports or fields trips, which their families cannot afford. Our Future Generation provide these children with funds to go on outings, or we pay their fees to participate in sporting activities. We sponsor Easter Egg Hunts, distribute school supplies, winter clothing.


Charlene Crump


I look at the young children growing up in today’s world and see that it is a lot different from when I was young.  The youth of today need a lot of motivation and direction and I see potential that need to be nurtured with positive reinforcements.  I want Our Future Generation to be the group to shape these youth, through counseling, educational workshop, job placement and whatever it takes to make them reach their potential.  Help them to realize their goals and aspirations.  To quote the American novelist Toni Morrison, “Make a difference about something other than yourself.  That is what I am trying to achieve.


Valencia Torres


I am Valencia Torres, secretary of Our Future Generation. I am a wife, and a retired mother of three.  I joined this organization to help make a difference in our community. It brings me great joy and comfort knowing I am a part of such a wonderful and outstanding organization that helps women and children no matter who they are in their time of need. It allows me to give back something that will make a huge impact in someone’s life.

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